“The physical demands to be face down for 10 days following retinal detachment surgery required steely determination. After sitting in a vitrectomy chair for two days the pain in my neck and back was debilitating and rendered me completely despondent. After receiving the FaceDownWalker®, I was able to be pain free and mobile around the house and even the backyard. Even though I had already started my recovery period, it was worth it to have several pain free days. I truly do not know how I would have coped without the FaceDownWalker® It helped me physically and emotionally recover.”
- Helen R. - Los Angeles, California
“Having now recovered from two retinal detachments, I’ve learned the importance of healing emotionally as well as physically. Recovery from my first retinal detachment was a painful experience. It wasn’t from the surgery, it was neck and back pain from maintaining a face-down position. After my second detachment, I discovered the FaceDownWalker®. It was a totally different experience! I was able to be active and free of neck and back pain while recovering. The FaceDownWalker® was critical to my mental well-being, enabling me to be engaged with my family while staying fully compliant with my doctor’s orders."
- Sal P. - California
"5 STARS for this wonderful device!!
FaceDownWalker is a life saver! In my case in particular, I was terrified of having to remain face down for up to two weeks due to C-PTSD. I really couldn't see myself being able to do it, so much so I was going to cancel my surgery and just live with the vision loss. When I discovered this wonderful device, I knew it was going to be my answer to this tough recovery.
Wayde, is excellent. He communicates immediately with you and even called me directly to talk with me, and let me know I could call him anytime! For an older person, this type of customer service is so valuable and I felt he genuinely cared about my situation.. I could relax, knowing he was taking care of my order and getting it shipped out as quickly as possible. There are various shipping options, including next day delivery, which we chose to do as the surgery was coming up quickly.
It is very easy to use this device, no assembly needed. One important tip: make sure it is quite snug against your body at the shoulders and waist. This provides the exact position you need to tilt your head forward...and relax! Being a very thin person ( I had to make the harness very tight), arriving at the correct fit, I was able to sit in many locations throughout the house, watch TV with a reverse mirror and I even fell asleep for a few hours seated on the couch. Another tip: for me, the padding on the head sling was too thin and I was able to easily lay a strip of memory foam on the head sling and that made it perfectly comfortable. I will definitely use this device again in the future knowing it will come through for me.
Thank you very much!!"
- Catherine C. - Paxton, Massachusetts
"Dear Wayde,
Facing an upcoming Vitrectomy procedure to one of my eyes, I was handed a brochure of rental equipment for the necessary face-down recovery period following right after it. While checking it out online I came across the FaceDownWalker®. What a great idea, I thought. That will break up the monotony and relieve the expected neck pain. I signed up for the rental. I cannot say enough good things about the FaceDownWalker®. It allowed me to free myself from the chair for a good amount of the day. It felt wonderful to get outside and walk up and down the fairly quiet streets around our house. The FaceDownWalker® made the face-down ordeal much more manageable"
Thank you, Wayde, for the genius idea, which I know can help many more people faced with having to recover from a Vitrectomy operation."
- Renate S. - Calistoga, California
“After being diagnosed with a macular hole in my right eye, I had a great deal of concern on how to maintain face-down at a 90-degree angle, nose towards the floor, 24 hours a day for 10 days. I wore the FaceDownWalker for 10 days, every day during my recovery. It was a constant reminder to keep my face parallel to the ground. It also allowed me to easily move around the house, considerably minimizing the mental stress of being compliant with face-down positioning. Its design allowed me to easily put it on and take it off as needed during the day. It also minimized stress on my neck muscles.
It is an essential tool for keeping compliant with face-down positioning for 10 days. I have no doubt that my rapid macular hole closure was due to strictly adhering to face-down positioning. I could not do it without your equipment.
Thank you for your guidance and suggestions. Your service was outstanding.”
- Ron M. - Salt Lake City, UT
“I’m so grateful that I heard about the FaceDownWalker! I was very concerned about getting around for 8 days with my head in a face-down position. The FaceDownWalker allowed me to be mobile while my head rested comfortably. Furthermore, Wayde, the creator and owner of the company, expedited my order and has been such a pleasure to work with.
Overall, the FaceDownWalker relieved me from neck and back pain and was an invaluable resource for my mental and physical well-being during recovery. I highly recommend the FaceDownWalker!”
- Ron S. - Greensboro, NC
"If you think keeping your head down is not so bad you probably have another think coming.
To try it for a minute or five minutes is one thing but when you get into hours and days, it isn't easy. I am an engineer by occupation and I really appreciate good design and the FaceDownWalker is one. It is relatively simple but quite effective (which are earmarks for the best designs). It is especially useful if you plan on doing much walking during your "head down". I heartily recommend it because it was most comforting for me and helped make a difficult time much more bearable."
- Gary K. - Arcadia, California
"The FaceDownWalker was a lifesaver! Maintaining the face-down position after surgery for a macular hole is a strain and painful! The first day after surgery I used only the chair but quickly discovered how hard it is on the neck, shoulders, and back.
The FaceDownWalker came to the rescue - allowing me to sit straight up while keeping my head down. It relieved the pain and allowed for mobility both inside the house and outdoors.
If you're having surgery that requires you to maintain a facedown position you HAVE to rent the FaceDownWalker - it makes the recovery period bearable."
Thank you, Wayde!!
- Jane S. - New Jersey
Hi Wayde. I wanted to thank you for developing your wonderful product. This is a great third position option for post-retinal surgery required positioning. It definitely saved my ass (actually head and neck!) when I was in need of standing up and head support! My Retinal surgeon also thought it was a great device. Hopefully, I won’t need it again but I would recommend it to anyone who has to go through this post-op requirement.
Great job and great product!
- Steve - Petaluma, CA
"The FaceDownWalker served me extremely well. They requested that I remain face down for fourteen days. (This was for the repair of a macula hole that had reopened.) During those fourteen days, it was particularly helpful with compliance. There are times just out of habit that you will raise your head. When I was wearing the FaceDownWalker, this was not an issue. It was also helpful in relieving the stress on my shoulders that naturally occurs in this position.
The owner of the company was not only helpful but also honest. He wanted to be sure that I would be able to use the FaceDownWalker before renting it to me. He also made the return process very easy with precise directions.
Thank you so much!"
- Brenda H. - Lubbock, Texas
"After having surgery to repair a hole that developed in my macula, I spent three days in the face-down position. I divided my 3 days into a schedule of 36 two-hour segments utilizing the FaceDownWalker, an open-face beach lounge chair, and other face-down equipment. While the lounge chair and other equipment allowed me to lie or sit in a face-down position, the FaceDownWalker allowed me to have the relief and exercise of walking around my house. Ten minutes of each two-hour segment I got up and walked. I went to my doctor yesterday and thankfully my macula has closed. I am convinced my surgeon's skill and my commitment to being face down for 72 hours gave me this positive result. I credit the FaceDownWalker as a crucial element in my recovery.
Many thanks!"
- Kenneth B. - Sheffield, Alabama
“The FaceDownWalker was a huge benefit for me, knowing that I had another option other than my vitrectomy chair, which you can only sit in for so long, to give my head and neck some much-needed relief while recovering from retinal detachment surgery. I highly recommend you rent this for the amount of time you need to be face-down after surgery. You will be glad you did!”
- Julie R. - Plymouth, Minnesota
"The FacedownWalker was a lifesaver for me! I don't know how I would have maintained my face-down position for a week without it! It allowed me to move around and not feel the confinement of the vitrectomy chair that many people are limited to. It came a few days before my surgery so that I could adjust it to my size and become familiar with it.
Wayde was so helpful and encouraging. I recommend this to anyone having to maintain a face-down position for any amount of time!”
- TerriAnne G. - Petaluma, California
"Vitrectomy post-op recovery required 2 weeks in the face-down position. While I had the vitrectomy chair with a head cradle for sitting as well as a head cradle attached to my bed for sleeping, the FaceDownWalker® gave my neck support without a cradle and I needed another variety. A cradle applies pressure to the entire face. The FaceDownWalker allowed support while sitting in a regular chair, eating, visiting, helping with meal preparation, and walking about. Freedom of mobility with FaceDownWalker support was essential to me having a healthy state of mind."
- Kay H. - Houston, Texas
“When I learned I needed surgery for the eye problems I was experiencing I was concerned. I trusted my Vitreoretinal Surgeon and came to terms with the necessity for the surgery. Then my surgeon informed me that the recovery process would require me to remain in a face-down position for a period of time. I am claustrophobic and didn't know how I would be able to remain in a face-down position for the majority of the days and nights until my eye healed.
My husband did research and found the FaceDownWalker on the internet. He called and spoke directly with Wayde who took time to explain the device he invented for his wife who had the same surgery I was scheduled to have. This was most consoling to me. The freedom I felt in being able to walk around and take the pressure off my neck and back was a godsend. I was able to move outdoors as well as in the house so the claustrophobia never happened. I highly recommend the FaceDownWalker to anyone who is awaiting eye surgery that will require a face-down position during recovery.”
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"Since my husband had a Macular Hole, I was more concerned about his prescribed one-week therapy than I was for the actual surgery!
The therapy consists of keeping your head down (as if reading a book or iPad) 24/7 for one week. What a daunting task. Luckily in my research, we were fortunate to find the “FaceDownWalker®.” This unit worked so well for my husband relieving the stress and the tension in his neck and shoulder muscles while still allowing him the flexibility to move around.
As a teacher, I always need to get all the info I can before making decisions. Well, the opportunity afforded me in conversing with Wayde personally, helped tremendously in erasing any fears or doubts I may have had.
In closing, may I suggest to all having this dilemma, check out the FaceDownWalker® and if in doubt talk with Wayde, who will walk you thru the process."
- Nanci B. - Crown Point, Indiana
"I think one of the hardest things about getting a vitrectomy is that the doctors don't always tell you all the ins and outs of the recovery. All they tell you is that you have to keep your face down for a number of days and that you have to sleep on your stomach, face down.
When I talked to Wayde of FaceDownWalker®, he clued me in to how difficult and demanding this was going to be and that I'd want a way to vary my position to help with mobility and comfort. His FaceDownWalker® definitely helped with my recovery. It was easy to set up and wear and held my head at the perfect angle so I could bend more from the waist as opposed to my neck.
If you have to have a vitrectomy, definitely rent a FaceDownWalker®. It will help keep you comfortable and SANE!"
- Boni P. - Los Angeles, California
“Hi Wayde, your customer service was fantastic! Every question was answered and calls were returned the same day which I really appreciated, thank you! Thank you for all your help and compassion during this difficult recovery!”
- Laurie N. - Harbor City, CA
"I recently had macular hole surgery and was panicked about the idea of keeping my head down for so many days. Fortunately, I found the wonderful FaceDownWalker on the internet and I decided to order it for my surgery recovery dates. Wayde was so very kind and helpful and was available for any queries, always returning my calls. The FaceDownWalker allowed me to move around during the facedown period and this was just what allowed me to cope with the recovery period. Thank you and I highly recommend the FaceDownWalker for anyone who is concerned about the recovery period."
Warm regards,
- customer from Princeton, New Jersey
"My wife really appreciated having the freedom to walk around without having to strain her neck and back thanks to the FaceDownWalker. If anyone has retina surgery with having to keep their face down during recovery, we highly recommend using this device. "
- Jim K. - Torrance, California
"I wanted to write and offer comments on the recent use of the FaceDownWalker device. A few months back, my wife Madeline began to experience so-called "floaters" and distorted vision in her left eye. After numerous examinations, it was determined that she had a condition called Macular Hole. Although not considered to be serious, it did require surgery. The procedure involves placing an air/gas bubble within the eye after the removal of the "gel" within the eye. The air/gas bubble is designed to apply pressure to the Macular to close the hole. Consequently, the more face-down you are, the more the bubble does its job.
Perhaps the more difficult part of this procedure is the "face-down" requirement for, in most cases, up to two weeks. Stories differ from doctor to doctor, however, it is suggested that the patient remain in a face-down position for at least 90% of the day (night too). For someone not familiar with face-down, this is quite a hurdle to overcome. The standard equipment given upon release from the hospital is a foam device shaped like a wedge with an opening for your face. The idea being, in a sitting position at a table, you should lean forward placing your face in the opening. Try that for two weeks! Other suggested positions, at least during the daylight hours; face down on the couch, face down at the kitchen table, try eating face down. Nights can be a challenge since it's face down in bed too.
One would think a person could go out of their mind having to do face-down! Remember, it's for your own good. Well, in our attempts to make the two weeks a little easier, we came across...via the internet... This device fits like a harness causing your head to tilt slightly downward...but downward enough to keep the air/gas bubble in a position where it does its job assisting in applying pressure to the Macular. Enter FaceDownWalker... the device provided a few hours a day of relief to my wife's neck and back, the strain can cause neck and back pains... plus, it broke the monotony of sitting, or laying. We were able to walk around the backyard and even a few walks through our neighbourhood. The key to this device is... it relieves neck and back pain, but as important, it gives you a sense of freedom from having to be face-down.
My wife and I are not physicians and are not in a position to offer any medical advice, but we can comment on the benefit of the FaceDownWalker for those who must endure any procedure requiring face-down recovery.
For those of you who read this, we wish you a speedy recovery..."
Best Regards
- Bill P. - Pennsylvania
"The FaceDownWalker® used during my recovery period from macular hole surgery was a lifesaver. It afforded me the ability to move around my home and yard, all while remaining face-down. I was also able to enjoy short walks in my neighbourhood. Wayde was very helpful and provided excellent service throughout the process.
Thanks again!"
- Carlene T. - Macon, Georgia
"The FaceDownWalker® has been a treasure for my mother. I was not only concerned about the Vitrectomy surgery but I was extremely worried about the recovery period. The doctor ordered that she remain face-down for 14 days. My mother is very active and I knew that this would be a challenge for her. After researching the internet for vitrectomy medical equipment, we realized that there was a wide array of medical equipment, but none of them allowed mobility. We found the basic equipment such as the vitrectomy chair, pillow for sleeping and doughnut-shaped pillow face support stand. When we found the FaceDownWalker®, we were pleased to see that it would allow my mother to walk during this recovery period.
The website was easy to navigate and we placed the order online. The customer service was outstanding. After placing the order, we were contacted within a few hours. Wayde was extremely knowledgeable, helpful, and efficient. The device arrived a couple of days before her surgery and it came with clear directions and was easy to adjust. We also brought the FaceDownWalker® to her doctor's appointment to see if he approved of the positioning of her head. He noted that when she was in the FaceDownWalker® that her face was parallel to the ground and in the correct positioning. He was extremely impressed with the device too.
Throughout her recovery process, she used it daily up to 6 hours at a time. The FaceDownWalker® not only took all of the pressure off the neck and the lower back, but it also allowed movement which helped her physically, mentally and emotionally during this stressful time. Unlike the other vitrectomy equipment, my mother could remain in the FaceDownWalker® for quite some time without the severe neck, back, and forehead pain.
We were amazed with the product and service. I would highly recommend the FaceDownWalker®!
This is essential medical equipment that supports the recovery period after a Vitrectomy.
Thank you for the FaceDownWalker!"
- Michele W. - Alameda, California
"Thank you for your help Wayde. My surgery went well. The FaceDownWalker® was helpful during 8 days of face-down positioning, giving me a safe option for moving around while keeping in the face-down position. I also appreciate your kind assistance on the phone in reviewing the device before I rented it."
- Pat G. - Olympia, Washington
"The most accurate and heartfelt words I can say are THANK YOU for inventing a product that no one else is thinking of. I looked all over Atlanta for a product that would keep my head face-down after my retinal detachment surgery. There was nothing in the stores. I looked in major chains. I even went to small owner-based pharmacies. No one had any idea where I could get this kind of equipment. I went online and a miracle had been created.
The FaceDownWalker®’s biggest contribution for me is that it eased the tension on my back. Staying still for hours in a position with little movement started to really torture my back. When we made the adjustments to put the FaceDownWalker® on I actually could feel the relief immediately. It was worth renting as I am on my way to recovering, and each doctor's visit gave me a good report. If I hadn't found this amazing product I may have lost my sight completely because staying still for 20 hours a day for an active person is almost impossible. This product gave me some semblance of freedom and peace of mind that my eye would heal properly.
Wayde was amazing. He didn't treat me like a paycheck he treated me like a friend. He was so kind, courteous and concerned about my well-being that I was actually in tears. Today's society doesn't encourage this kind of humanity anymore. Even though this all costs dollars and cents, the price you pay can never be measured when it comes down to your well-being and being treated like a real person. I am so grateful for my sight and the FaceDownWalker®."
Thank you,
- Rhoda Brawner - Atlanta, Georgia
“Hi Wayde,
My eye surgery went well and I am recovering without problems so far. I loved the FaceDownWalker®! It made the 7 days of face-down time much easier since it allowed me to get up and move around my house without neck and back pain and decreased my stress level. It worked very well and was very easy to adjust to fit my body. I would definitely order the FaceDownWalker® again if I needed more eye surgery requiring face-down time! I gave all the info sheets you gave me to my eye surgeon who was impressed with the device.
Thx, Joan”
- Joan R. - Greeley, Colorado
"As a retired RN of 30 years, I knew I needed to be prepared for my macular hole surgery and for the face-down recovery period of 5 days. I had the opportunity to try the FaceDownWalker®, along with other equipment, that I knew I’d need for that recovery, ahead of time. Even though I thought I was prepared, I was not prepared for the significant neck pain I experienced while actually trying to use the usual face-down equipment. When I switched to the FaceDownWalker®, I was pleasantly surprised to feel so much relief. My neck and shoulder pain went away within minutes! It gave me the much-needed break from the static positioning of the other face-down equipment. In addition to that, I also experienced very personable support and wonderful customer service from the owner of the FaceDownWalker® company."
- Sarah D. - Sacramento, California
"The FaceDownWalker® used during my recovery period from macular hole surgery was a lifesaver. It afforded me the ability to move around my home and yard all while remaining face-down. I also was able to enjoy short walks in my neighbourhood. Wayde was very helpful and provided excellent service throughout the process.
Thanks again!"
- Carlene T. - Olympia, Washington
I want to thank you for the FaceDownWalker® and your advice. I had macular hole surgery so I had to hold my head down so that I can heal properly. Well, when I had to actually do it, it wasn't easy. My face on the surgery side was a bit sensitive. The pillows on the equipment that I had rented bothered me and I could not get comfortable. I got tired of sitting and laying down. After I had adjusted the FaceDownWalker® and put my head in the sling, my goodness, my neck and shoulders just relaxed with no pressure on my face and I just hung there initially, amazed at the difference in the support of my head. I went for a nice walk up and down my street with my trusty walker, fresh air and exercise did wonders and without pain. This is what I needed. I want to thank you for getting me the FaceDownWalker® back to me after my doctor changed her schedule causing me to send it back and then putting me back to the original schedule. You care and I really feel it. I know you will do well with this invention."
- Denise M. - Vallejo, California
"Dear Wayde,
Thank you for the FaceDownWalker®. It was very helpful in keeping me sane during my recovery. My doctor said I could walk around as long as my head was down. On the first day after surgery, I was feeling pretty good so my husband and I decided to take a walk outside. I decided not to use the FaceDownWalker®. We did not get very far, about half a block and had to come back because my neck was hurting.
Later that day we went for another walk with me wearing the FaceDownWalker®. NO PAIN!!! We walked about a block and a half. Since then we have gone for a walk every day with me wearing the FaceDownWalker®. We have been walking about a mile and a half daily with no neck pain. I will recommend the FaceDownWalker® to my surgeon when I go back for a follow up in the few days.
Thank you very much for this invention. Getting outside was very helpful in helping me cope with lying face down for a week. It is also helpful in helping me prevent blood clots in my legs from my inactivity. This is a fantastic tool for vitrectomy surgery recovery!
Sincerely yours, Cindy"
- Cindy H. - Anchorage, Alaska
"The FaceDownWalker® helped me a lot. It sure was helpful to be able to stand and walk about and not just sit or lie down. I am doing great, just came from the doctor and he was very pleased with my progress. I would definitely recommend your FaceDownWalker® to anyone that has to be in a face-down position for any length of time.
Thanks for coming up with this and good luck to you."
- Loree W. - South Carolina
"My fiancé really enjoyed the FaceDownWalker®, it was a big relief that he could walk outside and around the house without jeopardizing the doctors’ orders to keep his head down. And he was so tired of the chair. Good luck with your business, I hope more people will come to know about it! Thank you so much!"
- G.F. - Florida
"The FaceDownWalker®, made a very difficult situation bearable. I would highly recommend the FaceDownWalker® to assist with your eye surgery recovery. It will give you the freedom you need to be mobile."
- Miriam B. - Pennsylvania
"My wife recently had eye surgery in Honolulu, Hawaii. Prior to the surgery, we made arrangements to have the FaceDownWalker®, sent to the Big Island of Hawaii. The instructions are very easy to follow and the unit comes completely assembled. My wife wears this for up to six hours at a time. Would recommend this product to anyone who is having retina surgery and has to keep their head down during recovery. She was also able to watch her favourite movies and shows on the IPad."
- Gary B. - Hawaii
"After finding out I had a hole in my retina, I began researching various types of equipment to help with my recovery. When I stumbled upon the FaceDownWalker®, I chuckled when I saw the picture. But I rented it anyway in case I needed some additional relief. Little did I know the amount of discomfort I would feel in my neck, shoulders and lower back as I had to keep my head down for 10 days, 23 hours a day. I had the vitrectomy chair, table and facial pillows but that prohibited me from moving around my home. The FaceDownWalker® allowed me to be mobile. It gave me just the right amount of relief to make this journey bearable."
- Dianne U. - Long Island, New York
"Dear Wayde,
I am very happy with the rental of the FaceDownWalker. It arrived days before my surgery so I was able to get it fitted to me correctly and try it out. I had also purchased a face down pillow which I used on my bed for night time and during the day to lay down with my head in the correct position. The FaceDownWalker was such a comfort to walk around with and do some things around the house as well as providing relief to my neck from the pain. I told my surgeons office and the surgical center about the FaceDownWalker. They reviewed your site and were very interested. I shipped the walker today at UPS.
Thank you for help and support and wish you Happy Holidays."
- Karen L. - Wolcott, Connecticut
Ready to order? Visit our ORDER PAGE to get your FaceDownWalker® today.
Questions about how the FaceDownWalker® can help you?
CONTACT US by email or call for personal support = 1 (323) 447-3222
This device is the only patented vitrectomy recovery equipment featured in the "Review of Ophthalmology" magazine;
©2025 See Recovery Solutions, LLC. All Rights Reserved.